Frequently Asked Questions

Last Published: February 15, 2024

How do I get access to the IChemE accredited functional safety course

To get instant access to the course, purchase it using a credit or debit card in GBP or USD. If you prefer to send us a purchase order, CLICK HERE.

Is TEAM access any different to single-user?

TEAM access has additional features such as the ability to ask mentor questions and attend LIVE online sessions via our eFunctionalSafety INSIDER member's area.

What is a PREMIUM learning path or course?

Our PREMIUM learning paths and courses are intended to lead to a certificate you can provide to an employer as proof of completing an entire course on the topic of interest. Typically,  learning paths take several hours to complete and include assessment quizzes. We charge a course fee all learning paths.

How long will I have access to courses or learning paths I have paid for?

Before any purchase, the conditions of expiry will be fully explained. We will also remind you by email if your access is about to expire.

Can I get a copy of the course lessons?

Yes, Learning Paths feature optional printed course notes for purchase, and many short courses feature downloadable PDFs. Where courses are mainly video/audio, a transcript is usually available.

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